

'm not a perfect friend
. I can mess up. But no matter what, there are certain lines I'd never cross. I can keep secrets and promises. If I know you have my back...I will forever have yours. But I do have a curse Im condemned with: The loyalty contract. If you don't have it for me, I want nothing to do with you. It's a sort of masochist contract I made with myself, and I have taken a few good hits for it-- but I think it has kept the pure and endearing ones closer. 

To me, life is too short for mediocrity. In my life, my closest friends are people who I trust if I walked out of a room--they got me. And nothing harmful or hurtfull will be said. 
They. just.get. it. 
I want people who can read my mind and just know without my mouth even quivering. It takes forever to find those little gems, but I definitely know I got lucky to find just these few. 

n college you find your family away from your family. We grew up together. The years away from everything we had known as familiar...were made helping make new things familiar and figuring out the next part--the glittering futures. We've helped build the background of one another's dreams. And I know they've taught me how to be a better person. 

There are always things, situations, or people who have come in and tried to melt the cement that we have entrenched for one another-- but they didn't realize the history and the tough-as-diamonds adoration that built the foundation years before. The love we have for one another doesn't die or sway due to lies or maliciousness. Real and unselfishness friendships prevail above all. Love--above all.

We eat, live, sleep, go out, lay around, laugh, cry, dance, go crazy, and overall are chaotic idiots together. 
We all fell in love with one another. 
They are some of my insides. I adore every one of them for what others may think they're weird or beautiful for.

With these people I drove around for hours and hours with no destination. We blasted music until we couldn't hear ourselves scream the lyrics. We had dance parties in kitchens, cars, or jumping on beds. We have cried with each another and fell to the floor in the fetal position. And of course we've fought-- we're not perfect. But we always have meant well-- and we always forgave one another-- because we knew that losing one another would mean having to live with the idea of regret. 

We clocked so many unforgettables that to even think of losing one another could never be considered. We took risks together and for one otherI always laughed because we're all so different--we all have different opinions, views, morals, backgrounds, stories, lessons--but we all love each other tirelessly and completely. 

To these: We are infinitely tied to one another's bones. Our friendships remind me of the kind they write about in novels. You've inspired me. You've made me believe that no matter what I have done, said-- will do, will say-- will never be questioned. You are some of the bits and pieces that make me, me, and I'm so excited to walk out of here knowing we all have one another. Things will change--
but who we are to each other, never will. 

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