

So I'm gonna be taking you back to April. Back to the infamous bed bug infested, sticky floor, couldn't change the channel because the remote was somewhere in the couch-- (rule one of our house: NEVER stick your hand between the couch cushions unless you like the look of a major allergic reaction going up your arm) No insulation, walls of hollow cardboard, lady bugs for pets, sat on the heater to warm my buttocks up-- era. My second semester... of the final year of college. The semester I would never go back and change-- nope, not even when they quarantined my scratchy bitten.to.death bod in the student health center. Good times mate, good times.

So my deal is simple but strange. I'm not scared of the things most people would be scared of i.e: big crowds in small spaces, being alone in the pitch dark,bunging jumping, speed boats, fast cars, snakes yada yoda. I grew up with brothers who made me their running target in paintball practice. They toughened my sissy girly girl act real fast.  I'm scared of the simple things i.e. Don't like elevators, airplanes or just the feeling of being stuck. Sure, I'm strange whatever-- we all got somethan that's makes it fun for other people. (A not-so-hilar family, who have a giddy time jumping on elevators) So when I tell you that one of the best weekends of my life was when I hopped my first flight, Sweated it out jamming to Adele, (who kept my expectations nice and depressing incase the whole might-go-down airplane thing happened-to-happen) and went to the big apple most would think that wasn't a big deal. Leyme tell ya, my no judgement readers- that flight had me drinking dry martinis pre take-off. Holy. Hot. Mess. 

About 40 long minutes later, I switched up my low- expectancy to survive the flight-- over to my new zest for life, to none other: my mayne, Jay-Z and Alicia for complimentary landing tunes. I Kissed the cement, got my swag on, hopped in my first New York cabbie alone and headed to heaven: West 57th and some other numba. (Details...details)

I landed and my smokin' aunt had sush and some red wine waiting for my dehydrated, sweaty tooshie, 'Adeled' flight of doom.

So here is another simple but super cray (crazy) thing about my family: no one cares to notice or act their age. My grandparents actually might believe.... in their mind.... they're still fresh... out of the oven.... college grads. Grandpa says he's going to the office....... .. ... Found out a few years ago the  "office" is a classier noun for bar. Grandma loves to dangle herself on his arm, so you can find those two dancing and drankin' down at their local hot-spot yacht club. Hey raising five kids (one being my mother) couldn't have been a walk in the park. So you go and get it. These 70 year-old children, who single handedly can outdrink my brohas and I combined... well my little boozers.... GOD love ya,Cheers.

Give my mother a good compliment and a cocktail and she never fails to utter: "Tay, momma's stillll got-it." This is pre--dancin like a long haired version of limp biskit. Meow momma 
me-ow. Moving on, My favorite man, give him a shot of tequila and the man forgets he hasn't played football since touch in college, and all of a sudden he morphs into Brian Urlacher. macho man. So, to make sure the judgments are being true to form: here's the thing about my super-fly New York aunt. The thing is so pretty it's hard to look at her when she talks...because you just stare...and that can be a little strange. She's a hot digitty dang. But on top of that she feels closer to my age than she does hers.  When I went through my first real difficult breakup, she and my 'mon petite cheri' (my little darling) uncle would call me at 4AM and we would stay up shyt-talk and bonding until 6AM.  

So here's the thing. She has always showed me the possibility of what's possible if you just try to work for the means of what you deserve and work for. The girl kills it for her job and therefore she has a killer life. But when she showed me New York. I mean, really did me good aka: hot-spot clubs, super chic restaurants, hitting my credit limit in SoHo.  She showed me a new beginning of a life I never knew I needed or wanted soooo bad. 

So here's where it gets personal. My soul sisters, whom I don't know how I got so frackkin lucky that they found me. We're all are in places in our lives that is so disconnected. We worked hard in school because we had a good idea of what we wanted. But let's face it, I'm not blaming everything on the economy, even though it is an issue in this love and hate post- college breakeup. (which has been my most difficult breakup to date) But I heard the infamous "live in the present" quote again. And OK, I understand it, I mean I get it; but I never really fully ate it up, swallowed and digested it. Until now. I know I have this section of my soul that has the 'wonderlust' characteristic, No, I don't mean to travel to the ends of the earth or do something like couch surf (just hard about that, if you don't know google that hipster-hotness) But I know for myself I have to divide to conquer. I know I can always go home. Home to me isn't my house, or the Chi-town. It is really where family is. But to get where I want to be, I must do it my own way. When I say that to my favorite man-- I think he holds his breath and counts backwards from 10. (confession: I use to say it just to get my love for the jib-jab) But now.... it's so true. So here's the 1-2- punch.

I get it, the economy sucks, we miss college, we miss living with our people we made into our own little families. But to get where you worked so hard for-- you gotta prepare now. No, I'm not quitting my job, hopping on another Adele-DOOMED United. I'm not gonna eat.pray.love this journey out. YES...I want to do those things, but I don't need them RIGHT THIS VERY INSTANCE. Our generation has the here, now, NEXT BEST '5G-'ness' mentality. But what we have to remember is to slow-it-down my little rabbit. Be the hare for a little, you'll win the race. 

I'll do the dance and be the little rookie-------that I am. I'll work to be the boss that I want to be. Here's the deal. Love is ALWAYS in the details. There is nothing better than the love of the struggle, and then the promise that comes from the motivation of the struggle. So work hard-- work so hard that sometimes you feel like you're your boss's boss. Walk the tight rope for the dream. Be the hare. One thing I know... ya gotta Keep your moralities, work-to-work- hard, work for quality, work for the practice to get to the win. Let inspiration fill your steps, and I truly believe this: that eventually those steps will lead you home.




The other day I hit one of those walls talking to a friend where the story lost it's mojo. I found myself doing circles in attempt to walk away with some dignity. Luckily my friend just started to laugh either A. to make me shut-it or B. She thought of something else that would make her laugh to the same volume frequency. Here's a great example:



Things I believe:

When history repeats itself it always comes back twice as bad.

Never ever be comfortable. Comfortable is another word for grey

One dream can change your life

Ask the universe your questions...it will surprise you. 

You waste so much of your life having an ego. Having pride is one thing, having an abundance is catastrophic. I've seen it... it literally can destroy you. 

If you can’t stimulate her mind, you don’t deserve the rest of it…

Get out there. Jump off the ledge. Sign that dance card and tip toe yourself to a little distraction. 

In my opinion, if someone isn't asking you about something that is right in their face, chances are they don't care to know too much about you either. 

We make the easiest thing the most complicated. If you care- you care. It's simple. Why make the good stuff the complicated?

you find the magic of the world in the margin of error.

If two people believe in something, like really believe in it. Even the impossible is possible.


Accolades 3

If your dreams don't scare you they're not big enough
-read it

“No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, positively do have the power to change.” ~Bill Phillips

"Don't look back unless you enjoy the view."

"I hope you know how great and gentlemanly you are honestly,"
   -I'm ok, it's the world that's wrong..."

"Right now, someone you haven't met yet is out there wondering what it would be like to meet someone like you."-The buried life.

"There's a trick to a graceful exit. It begins with the vision to recognize when a job, a stage of life, a relationship go. It means leaving what's over without denying it's value."-Ellen Goodman

"Why do things have to have limits. It's not always easy and it's not always conditional."-overheard



Innocent bystanders:

"There's always a chance, There's always a choice"-Overheard

"A boy makes his girl jealous of other women. A gentleman makes other women jealous of his girl."-read

"Men were born with the balls for a reason."-Friend

"It doesn't matter anymore. Anything that is that confuses you that much you run from. Don't waste anymore time being this confused."

"I swear...behind every hot girl there is some guy tired of hooking up with her"

“Be wise, my dear, you must learn to just be still Until you really, really know”

No Thanks, I'm grateful for just this.

I pay attention when someone uses feelings rather than words

Knowing everything won’t do you a bit of good unless you use it to put beauty into this world.

"Live, travel, adventure, bless, and don’t be sorry."
-Jack Kerouac


A goal without a plan is just a wish- Antoine de Saint

"...I was thinking the other day in class came to the conclusion that it doesn't matter what decision we make as long as we take something from them and learn from them."-Friend 

It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather, we should thank God that such men lived.”- George S. Patton, Jr.



I don't know if it's luck or that my small ears (thanks mommma) have the napoleon complex, causing them to act more like satellite dishes than antennas. This over aggressiveness has led me to come across people saying fantastic things.
Like any good, romantic, and predictable Nicholas Sparks' movie I like to believe sometimes I was meant to hear it. 
Being like any other normal girl....I tell my girlfriends basically everything they need to know. But once in awhile, I want that one piece of advice or wisdom that couldn't come from anyone but Buddha or the Dalai Lama. But since my two dishes don't have that sort of frequency... and my friends and I gave up on  relaying on answers from the possibility of fate, chance and the radio station in high school...
Sometimes the next best thing is from the stranger who didn't realize that's exactly what I needed to hear. I write some of them down when they're things I know I probably wont hear again but should think about often. But Now...I decided to post some of them every few  days or weeks here. Because sometimes stumbling across words of enlightenment or challenge are just what we needed to hear or see for a sense of satisfaction or evaluation. 

{[“Absence Is To Love, What The Wind Is To Fire, When It’s a Small Fire The Wind Kills It But When It’s a Real Fire It Intensifies It”-DVF

"It's Better Not To Know Sometimes..." -my friend's mom

"The Trick Is To Enjoy Life. Don't Wish Your Days Waiting For Better Ones Ahead." -grandma

"Everything has beauty, if you don't see that we have bigger issues..."- Professor

"Young Hearts are wise. They fall in love with everything. Good For Them."- Heard This

"Say Less, Mean More." -mom

God sometimes removes a person from your life for your protection. Don’t run after them.- Rick Warren

Never Believe a girl when she says she doesn't care.- friend

"Personal Letters Should Always Be Handwritten." - friend

"Give Laugh to all but smile to one. Give love to all but heart to one. Give life to all but live for one."- read this]}



 By: Dave Barry, Nationally Syndicated Columnist 

1.  Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative
    on the same night.

2.  If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race
    has not achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be "meetings."

3.  There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."

4.  People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them.

5.  You should not confuse your career with your life.

6.  Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance.

7.  Never lick a steak knife.

8.  The most destructive force in the universe is gossip.

9.  You will never find anybody who can give you a clear and
    compelling reason why we observe daylight savings time.

10. You should never say anything to a woman that even remotely
    suggests that you think she's pregnant unless you can see an actual baby emerging from her at that moment.

11. There comes a time when you should stop expecting other people
    to make a big deal about your birthday. That time is age eleven.

12. The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age,
    gender, religion, economic status or ethnic background, is that,  deep down inside, we ALL believe that we are above average drivers.

13. A person, who is nice to you, but rude to a waiter, is not a
    nice person. (This is very important. Pay attention. It never

14. Your friends love you anyway.

15. Never be a afraid to try something new. Remember that a lone
    amateur built the Ark. A large group of professionals built the   Titanic.

16. Thought for the day: Men are like fine wine. They start out as    grapes, and it's up to the women to stomp the crap out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with.



To Die Young As Late As Possible

To Never Stop Having Fun 

(My mom and I playing with makeup on a rainy Saturday)

To Find Something To Love In Everybody

To Take Not Make Certain Things Personal

To Be Warm and Open...No judgments.

To Always Know Who My Real Friends are but Always Be Open To More

To Always Be Generous 

To Keep A Bottle of Champagne in the Fridge for Special Occasions...((sometimes the special occasion maybe the champagne in the fridge))

To Always Be Brave

To Always Go The Extra Little Mile For My People

.To Be Present.

To Always Have Another Goal To Pursue...Always be hungry 

To Always Do The Right Thing No Matter When or How Late It Is

A New Blog Soon To Come!!!

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